Controllers Office
The Controllers Office supports and promotes the University's mission by providing financial leadership and innovation in business strategy and processes. In partnership with the university community, we develop and improve financial services in regards to systems, processes, practices, policies, and guidelines.
Controllers Office

Financial Reporting Services
Financial Reporting Services (FRS) is responsible for preparing various financial reports and tax returns and also for managing various financial processes.

Financial Management Systems
The Financial Management Systems (FMS) is a comprehensive suite of integrated modules within a single software application that provides administrative business functions to campus departments – Financial Accounting, Payment Processes, Deposit Transactions, Budgeting, Grants Management, Asset Management and Reporting.

Financial Services
Financial Services is responsible for central finance operations for the Lawrence and Edwards Campuses. Units within Financial Services include Accounting Services, Accounts Payable, Finance Help Desk, Payroll Services, Property Accounting Services, Student Accounts and Receivables, and Travel.