Student Organization Financial Accounting System (SOFAS)
Student Organization Financial Accounting System manages student organization accounts, including deposits, and payment requests.
Important Information
When a new academic year begins, please remember to register your group at the Organization & Leadership office in the Kansas Union. Organizational registration must be done on an annual basis and is necessary to access your student organizational account.
Once your organization has registered for the current academic year, please download the SOFAS Signature Authorization form. This form should reflect current contact information and authorized signatures for organizational SOFAS account. Completed forms should be emailed to the SOFAS Coordinator.
In addition to updating organizational information, the newly revised SOFAS handbook and various other forms may also be found at this website. Please make sure the officers in the organization are familiar with these forms.
SOFAS Documents
- SOFAS Handbook
- SOFAS Voucher Request
- SOFAS Organization Two Signature Request Form
- Student Organization Deposit Slip
- SOFAS Signature Authorization Form
- SOFAS Organization Close Account Form
- SOFAS Organization Account Name Change
- SOFAS Organization Transfer Request
- SOFAS Sales Tax Itemization Form
- SOFAS Check Cancellation Request