Campus Requirements List

Minimum Requirements for All KU Payment Requests

Please review the below minimum documentation requirements and check the drop down to determine if your request may require additional information to process.

  • Itemized Receipt: This document must match the amount being requested for payment.
    • Document presented must be a receipt, invoice, or other KU/KUCR approved form that provides itemized details of what goods or services were purchased. Bank statements or other statements that do not itemize the purchase are not acceptable.
    • Please be aware that KU/KUCR are exempt from sales tax in Kansas and Missouri. Present appropriate documentation to vendor as sales tax cannot be paid using State or grant funds. Click below to find the appropriate exemption forms
  • Business Justification: A Valid business justification should answer questions such as "What was bought?", "Why/how this expense benefits KU/KUCR mission/research?"
    • General Example: "Purchased poster board supplies at Target for Student Outreach presentation while at a conference."
  • Funding: Funding minimum requirements are Cost Center and Fund.  Project numbers are required for research payment requests. Other options include a chartfield value if your unit uses them.
    • Example: [cost center]-[fund]-[KUEA Account #]-[Project #]
  • Sponsored Research split funding requires more detailed data:
    • If any payment request is using multiple sources of research funding, then additional justification would be required to explain how payment split was determined. This includes Funds such as 717, 718, 720, and all 9X8 funds.
      • As an example, for a request that is split between two research funds 50/50 then the below justification would work:
        • "The (specific research supplies) purchased will be equally used by each research team."
  • For travel expenses, in addition to the information above, please provide:
    • Travel Request number and purpose of the trip
      • If trip is In-State only then the Travel Request number is not required.

Additional Requirements

Choose a category to view the requirements for an expense type.

KU Payment Request Guidelines
Type of Purchase What do I need to know or provide? Category Notes/Examples

Please provide the original transaction receipt in addition to the return receipt/invoice.

Off-Campus Food Purchases (Office meetings, events, conferences, etc.)

To document any Hospitality expenses (Food/Beverage) for Off-Campus meetings, then:

  1. Fill out the Hospitality Form or provide the Name of event, Business purpose, and count of individuals in their official capacity (KU Employee, Non-KU Attendee, KU Student Attendees)

Hospitality Form (PDF)

On-Campus Catered Food Purchases (Office meetings, events, conferences, etc.)

On-Campus events that need food should first attempt to utilize our KU Memorial Union catering services.  To get your transaction processed quickly, please provide:  

  1. Hospitality Form or provide the Name of event, Business purpose, and count of individuals in their official capacity (KU Employee, Non-KU Attendee, KU Student Attendees)
  2. If not using KU Memorial Union, then please attach your approval from KU Memorial Union exception request.

Hospitality Form (PDF)

KU Memorial Union Food Exception Request

Purchase of Gifts

If gifts for employees are purchased, the department should use endowment funds. Gifts are not allowable on any research funds.

  1. For Employee gifts >$39.99, please attach the completed Additional Fringe Form as all gifts greater than $39.99 will be taxed as additional income to the recipient.  Please inform your SSC through the service request if your department plans to cover the additional fringe impact.

Gifts would include retirement gifts, flowers for special occasions, etc.

Additional Fringe Form

International Purchases

When using KU Research funds on single International Purchases, an Amber Road report for the vendor is required to be submitted with your payment request.  

  • If traveling internationally, an Amber road report is not required.  The international merchant restriction on your P-Card will need to be removed by P-Card administrators prior to travel.

KURES provides the Amber Road report to the card holder and requests they attach it to their purchase documentation. 

KUCR - Purchases over $50,000

Please contact KUCR Procurement at for support in sourcing and negotiation efforts or submit a webform for research business contracting needs by using the KUCR Procurement Support form

Non-Technology Large Purchases

KUCR Procurement Policy

KUCR Procurement Support form

For purchases greater than $250,000, a solicitation may be required which could extend the time to complete the transaction.

KU - Purchases over $10,000

For KU purchases greater than $10,000, please work with Procurement by using the Non-Technology Procurement Request form for support in sourcing and negotiation efforts. 

Non-Technology Large Purchases

Non-Technology Procurement Request

For purchases greater than $50,000, a solicitation may be required which could extend the time to complete the transaction.

KUCR - Single P-Card Purchases >$3K

When using KU Research funds, an Amber Road report for single transactions >$3K is required to be submitted with your payment request.

Non-Technology Large Purchases

KUCR provides the Amber Road report to the card holder and requests they attach it to their purchase documentation. 

Non-Technology Subscriptions
  1. Name of subscription should be in University's name
  2. If grant funding is used for membership and crosses the end of the grant date, please provide either an additional overhead funding source for subscription term outside of active grand perior or inform SSC that the grant will be renewed.
Technology purchases of software, major hardware, or support

To facilitate the appropriate reviews for risk and negotiations, please use the Technology Procurement Request form for the following types of transactions:

  • Software or software as a service (SaaS)
  • IT hardware or IT Equipment - except for workplace computer hardware
  • IT Professional services
  • Software or IT hardware maintenance or support

Once the request is completed, please attach documentation of completed IT review with payment request.


Technology Procurement Request

Please use this request for Non-Catalog Hardware purchases and all Software purchases

SaaS means a hosted, pay-as-you-go monthly or annual software subscription.